Mark Rheinheimer

Welcome to my Portfolio!!
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My Professional Journey

I have operated my own home improvement company for the past 15 years. I have a deep love for making things come to life using my hands. I recently finished the design, building, and project management of my own home. This has always left me wanting for more. I have discovered that in programming, there is nothing quite like typing in commands and watching it come to life on the screen.

My Learning Journey

I have learned Java, Javascript, Spring Boot, React, Thymeleaf, HTML, and CSS, and am actively learning other languages and frameworks. I have obtained certificates in Javascript, as well as built out many projects in multiple Udemy courses. I am a LaunchCode Web Developement bootcamp graduate.

My Favorite Projects

Below are a few of my favorite projects that I have coded up during my course work. I am working on other projects that are being uploaded as they are completed. Come check me out on Github and Linkedin.